MOM needs her own HALLOWEEN tote bag while takin' the kiddos out for Trick or Treat!!! Or for anything else she needs a tote bag for. She always needs her very own special one. Don't forget your BFF's, they'll need one too!! You're all in the same CLUB, Badass Bitches. LOL One bag that you'll be carrying around all the time!! Your everyday bag that u can use for everything....grocery shopping, farmers market, library bag, book bag & yes, your bag for holding your liquor!!! LOL
My favorite is to use these as a gift bag... giving a gift inside a gift. Like liquor!!! :)
Cotton tote bag with light brown faux leather handle. 15" (w) x 16.5" (h).
All totes are washable!
ALL BAGS ARE MADE TO ORDER WHEN YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. Delivery est is 7-10 days to print, then will be shipped.